Service Description
Goddess readings are for femme humans who want to go deeper into understanding the inner working of their feminine hearts and needs. The focus is on the goddess asteroids: Juno, Pallas, Ceres, Vesta and the infamous Lilith. As we herald in a new feminine age, we must be rooted in a deep love and understanding for our own framework. Understanding ones’ own deep needs for self-care, self- love, relationships needs, and parenting style can give you clarity and lead to absolute self-acceptance. My goddess reading is perfect for women who strive for balance, who may find themselves in the position of being a wellspring or lifeforce that others depend on for nurturing. My hope is that it leads women to see their own non-negotiable needs that they must nurture in themselves in order to serve others lovingly and without resentment. As we move into an era of divine feminine awakening, it falls on the women to set standards of respect and the act of doing this creates and occupies more space for the divine feminine on our planet. We must NEVER undervalue the importance of our own hearts and needs if we want to see change in the world.