The energy of this Pisces cluster can bring many different things to different people, but there is a unique opportunity for love, forgiveness, surrender and acceptance. There is also a unique opportunity for visualizations and imaginings of different projected futures. The grand conjunction was very much about seeing and rectifying inequalities in our personal lives and the collective. Today is another opportunity to see where we have felt personally victimized or where we feel unequal and move on to a new path. But when you’re trying to find a way to move forward, away from circumstances that no longer serve you, it’s so important to ask for something specific. When we visualize or imagine new opportunities, we don’t want to focus too much on experiencing the opposite of what we just experienced, because the polarity brings all the negatives of the opposite side of the spectrum. Instead ground in yourself and focus on the feeling that you want to gain, whatever was lacking before. Focusing on acceptance vs. rejection of your circumstances looks very similar to learning self-acceptance vs. self rejection. Both require an understanding of polarity without believing that our whole existence lies within the polarity of good vs. bad. There is no such thing as a good person or a bad person, just varying degrees of trauma and varying degrees of innate ability to work through it. When we understand that all beings are equal, the emotional weight of resentment or disappointment lessens because we can understand that it’s nothing personal, ever. Because the society that we live in is masculine-centric, not enough importance is put on understanding the nuance of living in a human body and being able to navigate our emotions or develop the spiritual muscle to exist with love. So today ground in self-knowing and use everything you are and everything you have learned to imagine a future where you have all the love, freedom and equality that you need.